Paweł’s Private Channeling Session with Lucyna Lobos, 17 August 2014.
Paweł’s questions are being answered through
Lucyna Lobos-Brown by Enki, the Spiritual Guardian of the Earth,
Translation from Polish into English:
Artur J. Domowicz with Mission Pharaoh/New Earth Mission and CorteXtainment.
Greetings Paweł. Yes, it is still August. I, Enki, am happy about our meeting today. It surely will enrich your life if you will choose to make this public, and it will be beneficial for those who will read it. Therefore am I, Enki, listening to the first question. I am listening.
Greetings my wise friend. First of all, at the very beginning, I would like to thank all the beings who care for me and my family through you. I thank them wholeheartedly for the continued support and the supervision over all of us. I know that you don’t have it easy with us, please preserve your efforts and continue to support us Thank you also for hearing out my requests, and for curing Anita’s lung issues.
Do you know why we are helping you and your family with such a joy, with such easiness? Because there is faith in you. The beginnings were difficult, because you were so rebellious. But you were so rebellious because you were searching, you were searching the appropriate path, and you found it. That is why you should not allow yourself to be drawn onto a different path, Paweł, because these are very difficult times on Earth. It is good to have such support, to have such a care from the spiritual world. You will have this support, and so will your family by your side. I have helped your wife, because there was enormous faith inside of you. Truth is that it wasn’t me, but your faith that helped her. It is an enormous force, and enormous energy, and you have received this also from God as this gift of self-healing. I am listening.
I would like to talk to you today about some other things that are difficult for me, and which I can’t handle on my own… But before we get to that, could you help me understand what the task is that I have chosen for myself to fulfill in this current incarnation?
You surely know that if you would want to go over your past incarnations now, that I am telling you in advance, “No way.” But if that is related to current matters in your life now, Paweł, then I can explain it to you of course. These earthly dummies of yours that you are using right now will be improved soon, meaning they will be on the level of the rest of the universe. You won’t fall back into the Stone Age, because it seems like everything would indicate that. A few bombs and you would be at the stages of the very, very early Middle Ages. We can not allow for this to happen. Therefore you will be occupied with just that, because of with these computer skills of yours, meaning your mind will be unlocked even more, so that you will be able to comprehend quickly such a newer computer, our computer. So, you will be a modern IT specialist, as you call it. That is what is being set up for you, but it is up to you what you will choose, Paweł. Maybe you will choose to do something totally different, if you will want to change your abilities, if your taste changes. Then they won’t block you from doing that either, on the contrary, they will help you. But you are feeling good about what you are doing, that is my opinion.
I am listening.
I had a dream, a dream in which I was looking at the sky on which a dot of light appeared. This dot of light exploded, transforming into hundreds of small objects that reminded me of airplanes. When I saw that I began to jump up and down, and to wave my arms, while yelling, “I am here, here I am. Do you hear me?!” A helicopter landed in a little while beside me, and a being that resembled a man got out, telling me to pack my things, because they are taking us with them, Anita, me, and two other persons that I do not know. I wanted to know what about my sons, but this man told me that he can not give out such information, aside from the fact that about 800.000 people will be taken…
Could you explain the meaning of this dream to me?
I will tell you what I said at the very beginning, there are these volunteers, or madmen, who want to protect this arsenal of weapons that could destroy life on Earth. There is such a possibility, and such a scenario is being taken into consideration, to take those who are chosen to live, to cooperate with us. What you saw in your vision, because that was not a dream, there are such gigantic mother ships, let’s call it that way, that hold smaller ships. These mother ships are like aircraft carriers on the ocean that hold many small airplanes, that are ready for takeoff. So, if it would come to such a situation, to the destruction of the Earth, then such ships will take off before that of course, much earlier before that. Ships that will be evacuating people. The fact that this man didn’t give you information regarding your entire family, meaning your sons, isn’t foretelling anything bad, because you have been told earlier that your entire family will receive protection. The fact that there was no space for them on the given ship doesn’t mean that they won’t be taken by a different ship. They won’t die in any case. I am talking here about a catastrophic scenario, but that is why Sirius and Orion are operating on Earth, in order not to let it come to such a situation, and to stop these madmen from destroying the Earth. But these madmen would die then as well.
Two days ago in the evening I experienced all of sudden a for an unknown reason emotions that frightened me and froze my heart, and that told me that me and my sons will die… Was that some sort of warning, did it have a specific meaning?
That is actually what we just talked about. If there won’t be an intervention from above, and they are prepared for such an intervention, then you all really can die, because these leaders, these mad leaders are thinking of the annihilation of the human population. That’s what the protection is therefore, that’s what they are operating on Earth for. That is also what we chose those to continue live on Earth for as well, in order to protect them, so that they will survive. Therefore we will not allow for such an explosion on a global scale.
I am listening.
Now I have a question that is relating to what you said, I will read it:
The things that are currently happening around the world in politics seem to a normal person not to make any sense. It looks like the whole world would be heading towards one total war. Some are saying that this is happening because irresponsible people are ruling over us, who do not know what they are doing, and what the consequences of their actions are. On the other hand, you hear about a global plan by handful of depraved people who are directing all events, using politicians like submissive puppets. How do you see that from your perspective?
Actually, we are staying on topic, Paweł, and I will answer. This handful of people has a name, right? They are called Illuminati. They are a handful of people, and they are everywhere, in the government, in religion, in the ranks of religious groups, and they really do seek extinction. The are areas on Earth, or underground, where everything so equipped, that you can survive there easily for 20 years, Paweł. There will be food production, everything a human needs to live. There are few such spots that have been chosen by such a grouping, where they will hide out during the first drop (of bombs), and they hold about a million people. During 20 years a few more people will arrive, and in reality the Earth needs after such an explosion about 20 years to regenerate. They feel like they can go unpunished, they are confident that nothing threatens them anymore. It is a handful of these people, but they will take these black sheep with them to this hideout, meaning workers who will have then to work for them. I could call them slaves. They miscalculated, not believing in divine providence, not believing that this highest being, most important being, can intervene, can disturb their plans. And beings from Sirius as well as from Orion are working on this disturbance of their plans. Sirius wants for the Earth to suffer as little as possible, because they are fond of the Earth, they are not interested in killing people, Paweł. On the contrary, they would like to live alongside human beings. So, today’s situation is serious. Most of mankind is misled by the propaganda that is being spread by the governments and by religion. People are not aware of the danger on Earth. That is why people should give thanks… People should thank both civilizations for still holding this at bay, they are not allowing for it to come to this annihilation. I am listening.
In connection with the ongoing war in Ukraine, I am often overcome by concerns that this conflict will grow and spread any moment to Poland. I am under the impression that our politicians and different media are doing a lot in order to get us involved in this conflict. I have read about how you were mentioning that this conflict won’t reach Poland, but you know how unpredictable human beings are with their free will… Please do not treat this as a complaint directed at you, but you expected once already, before the year 2012, that things will work out as you planned, and you assured us. But due to human activities relating to the free will things went totally different…
Well, Paweł, in this situation it would be best to look for someone to blame. Who could be blamed here? Of course it is me and God himself, because God cares insufficiently about these wonderful human beings. And I am asking you, you mentioned the free will, but you didn’t add something else that mankind has received besides of the free will, and that is reason. If it wouldn’t be for this protection, or for this blockage, then Ukraine would have invaded Poland already. These are human being who in fact hate the Polish race since the times of the Second World War, Paweł. If it’s Poland or a different country, you are all in the same boat. And the fact that we, as spiritual beings, have a limited right to intervene in minds… We see that the human doings are becoming increasingly bolder. Human beings do not see the tomorrow, they do not that they and their families could die in these clashes. What is important to them is vengeance and hatred. Paweł, all of these things that are happening practically didn’t have to happen, when we were insisting on getting to the tablets before 2012, when we were insisting on getting to the Pharaoh. Did we, spiritual beings, establish this obstacle that was created? Maybe it was Orion, or maybe it was Sirius who disturbed in this matter, so that the information could not be reached? Or did human beings do that, using their free will? It was 2000 years ago at this important meeting, a meeting of the Council of the Gods, when God was talked into it, when he answered a request and gave mankind extra 2000 years. But he added to it, “Let us give mankind the Earth in total possession, let them manage it, and you have to just look at that. Let other civilizations protect them as a last resort, so that they won’t get any stupid ideas.” So, who is managing things here, God? Or is God watching this? Did human beings not receive this Earth to manage it, and have they not brought about this situation? That is why it would be best, Paweł, when everyone would ask himself the question, “What did I do for the Earth, for another human being?” And that would be all. Would it come to a reflection? You are observing people, Paweł. You see perfectly how people self-reflect: Hatred and vengeance are at the top of their list. 2000 ran out in the year 2000. Therefore it is to us also a difficult time of heartache, looking at what human beings are doing, Paweł. I am listening.
Thank you for the extensive answer, Enki, but I am not looking for anyone to blame. I am just afraid of the future, which might unfold differently than you plan for it. It might have to do with the fact that human beings have free will, and that they are irresponsible. Because these are my very real fears. I have a question regarding that. If it would come to that and the war would spread to our country, how should we act? Should we defend ourselves by all means from being drafted into the army, and thus avoid the opportunity to fight and to participate in an unwanted war that they are trying to get us involved in against our will? What should we do in the case of eventual acts of aggression by people who would like to hurt us? Should we surrender and fall victim to it, or should we defend ourselves and even kill such aggressor? I know very well that killing each other is evil, that it is a senseless matter, but what should we do if there won’t be no other way out in sight? Should we die ourselves, or should we take someone’s in self-defense and the defense of our families?
If this aggressor from these eastern lands really will have such goals, which is a threat, then there won’t be anyone to fight against. You have in mind to obediently put your head on the chopping-block… There were different kinds of wars, religious ones, especially religious ones, where everyone was defending his rights. Of course you would not put your head humbly on a chopping-block, and of course you would defend your family. If you should allow yourself to be drafted into the army? Absolutely not… You would have to think of something for the time being, for example you could claim that you are an irresponsible person, or you could just not attend such an appeal, but you are confusing concepts here, Paweł. This time of recruiting men for the army to go into war is over already. Now no one will recruit anybody really, aside from those who this dictator is recruiting in this eastern country. There won’t be such general mobilization to join the army, so you calm be calm. And you surely should not wait humbly for the aggressor to cut off your head. I am listening.
Thank you for this advice. I hope that with this advice things will get easier for me, the way it is with other advice from you. Now I have a different topic that is related to a forum that I found towards the end of July when searching online for information about my favorite topic, the Anunnaki. I came across Forum Mistyka (Polish for “mysticism forum”), a certain article that was published a month earlier on this forum, and discussions related to this article. I began to read it, until I finally came across a statement that was written a moment ago by a user who went by the name Osiris, and who turned out to be a woman by the name Basia. The statement was talking in general about the fact that our people are here already, meaning a mission to save the Earth, which was organized by Marduk, and which is on its way to Earth already. Apparently over 30 different cosmic races are participating in this mission, and their task is to restore beauty and order on Earth. Is this information true?
More or less, but you’ve almost received an answer about that already, that there are ships in the cosmos, mother ships that will evacuate if there will be such a need, but not everybody, like some are claiming, writing. We are operating as spiritual beings, and my son, Marduk, is also active. Let’s say I am the commander-in-chief who is administrating this entire fleet that is in space. But I am pointing out that if it would be come to it where the Earth could be destroyed, then we would take those who are suitable to continue living on Earth, the good seed. The chaff remains to be annihilated. Finally, human beings have had a lot of time in order to reconsider, in order to truly follow Jesus’ teachings. I think that 2000 years was enough time, Paweł. And due the fact that it is in Sirius’ interest for the Earth to suffer as little as possible right now, everything is being done in order for it to be that way. So, mainly beings from Orion and Sirius are working on Earth, and not other beings who live in the cosmos. Others are observing. And what was added by the author of this report, you can call it a flattering of the human hearts, so that they won’t be too afraid, because according to her everyone will receive this protection. If something new, something good is supposed to expect on Earth, then it needs to be cleaned first. I am listening.
I don’t have this question written down, but the author of this report was also claiming that the cleansing is happening on astral planes that aren’t visible to us, but that we are apparently very enslaved and manipulated due to these astral planes… Does that make any sense?
It does not. In the astral plane, in the so-called spiritual world, because that was surely what this author had in mind, because that is her attributing, her private appending… I will ask you a question, since it is so bad on this astral plane, in the spiritual world, why is it then that spiritual beings are defending themselves from the descent to Earth? Can you answer this question, Paweł?
I don’t know, these spiritual worlds are beyond my reach, I have no insight…
And does this woman who wrote that have insight?
Apparently, she is claiming to receive some sort of transfers… Asides from that she is claiming on the same forum that a race named “Hebrons” is responsible for all the evil on Earth. She is claiming that this race is entrapping us in a world of illusion and various appearances, and that it abuses us, humans, true children of God, like batteries in the movie The Matrix, why we can not evolve further and ascend spiritually…
About the spiritual ascendance… You can, you can ascend spiritually, all it takes is some good will and understanding. Who if not my brother, God’s son Jesus, gave you the first lessons? I am asking you: How much of these teachings has remained in human minds? Later then it was also said that many writers will appear on Earth, who will want to add their way of thinking. Paweł, one thing is certain: The situation that you have now will remain, it will play out between 2014 and 2015. You will see it for yourself, because you will be eyewitness of these events, you will be able to evaluate who was right, me or this woman who is writing that she knows who’s fault it is. I am listening.
Thank you. These were all my most important questions that I wanted to ask you already. If we still have a little time, I would like to ask you for words of encouragement for people in these difficult times, as well as for advice on how we should live in order to endure these times the in best way.
This is probably the most difficult question today, Paweł. You are trying to get through to people, and you see for yourself what the results are, I do too. People are beginning to be afraid, to be very afraid. This fear is also described in John’s book about the Apocalypse, where John, who lived so many years ago, said that there will be a time when people will be dying out of fear, and that is beginning to happen now. But what you are telling people, what you are trying to convey to them in order for them to start to think. How many of these people did understand your words, to how many did it go through? Exactly, Paweł. You are sad about that, because those who heard your words have seen some of the effects already and began to think, seeing the situation that we have. It were a few, only very few people, while the majority of people is beginning to be very afraid, but they don’t do anything aside from being afraid, nothing. Human beings have received free will in order to make good use of it. I do not have to explain how they make use of it today. You will see that there will be events within a short period of time, and people will be looking for this way out, for an emergency exit. Many people will be also looking towards spirituality, but out of fear, in order to save their life, in order to eliminate this fear. If human beings would begin to think differently, despite this dangerous situation that will be caused by this great dictator, if they would begin to send energy that way, positive energy, saying,” Nothing will happen, everything will be good.” What do you think, Paweł, would this not create such an energetic wall? It would, it would create a wall with a sufficient safety level, but what are human beings doing right now? They are fueling, they are adding fuel into the fire. Some do it out of curiosity, others do it out of greed, with a vengeance, counting how much they can earn on this business. I am asking:n Where is at this moment the love towards another human being, where is it? It isn’t there, Paweł, it isn’t there. And this wall, this border to this eastern country is empty. So, if this would go through to people, to all the people, and if they would build such a wall, such an energetic wall, then no one would need to be afraid. Do you understand, Paweł?
I understand, Enki. We are trying to build such a wall, but that is really not that easy, because as you can see, there are people who incite to conflict. But these as just irresponsible individuals who are able to imagine the death of their families. I think that they just don’t have any imagination. But we are trying, we are trying to convey peacefully this sign of peace, and to build this energetic wall. I thank you very much for this time that you devoted on me, I am very proud of you even wanting to talk to me, I am very happy about that.
But why are you saying that I am devoting some time on you out of grace, or out of pity, Paweł? I just like to talk to you, and I am very happy about you making such progress, Paweł. But you do see yourself, how it was in the beginning, and how it is now. You see what a giant difference there is, what a development there is. That is why I like to talk to you, and why I am talking to you without any burden. I can speak freely, and I don’t have to choose appropriate words, in order for the given person not to dislike what I said and then try to take revenge on the medium. I am speaking freely with you here, peacefully, and I am very happy about that. Paweł, beat it into your head with something heavy, that you, as well as your family, will have protection. There will be protection, I am not throwing around with this word for nothing. May your mind be free from any doubts, especially the fear of what will be. The cleansing is and will continue, Paweł, and you have to put on the armor of peace, in order for you to realize yourself later on Earth, when you will be very needed. What else would you like to hear? I am listening.
I really thank you for thinking this way. I don’t know, I really can not differentiate in my actions, or in my mind somehow between how I should be acting according to you towards others. And at the end I would like to ask you to please continue to protect Lucyna in order for this fragile creature, because not everybody is treading her like a human being, because some are trying to treat her mechanically, but she is simply a fragile, a good person, and I am asking you to protect her, please.
That is my task, Paweł, and if we would not protect her the way we do, then you are right, this fragile person would have collapsed a long time ago already. We need her, now as well as later. And I know also that she is the salt in the eyes of some people, but there is a saying, Paweł, “Everyone works on his reward himself.” And people will receive the reward that they deserve. There won’t be no lenience. The time that was assigned to mankind has ended a considerable time ago already, and God’s patience does also have limits. Since he wants to make Earth a jewel in the Universe, then he shall do so, and we will cooperate along side beings from other civilization on this improvement and cleansing of the Earth. Therefore, Paweł, because I am pulling the last words out of you already, am I thanking you wholeheartedly for this conversation, me, Enki.
Be greeted, I thank you also very much.